Friday, October 26, 2007

Jacen danced

Okay I just had to share that Jacen danced today. It was the cutest thing. We happened to be at the high school's Homecoming Assembly. Scott has been acting as ASB Advisor since the school year began. The teacher is returning in November from taking care of her parents (her father was diagnosed with Cancer and mother is in a wheel chair), so Jacen and I needed to see what Daddy has been up to. The assembly was really great. When the Cheerleaders got up to do their dance Jacen totally started dancing, he was rocking his body back and forth and was moving his arms too. That would be Scott's good teaching, he is always moving Jacen to the music. I will see if I can get any of his moves on video to share with all of you.


Keri_B said...

Hey guys, this is the Button family!! How are you? It was fun to find your blog and see your cute little guy, he is so big already, time flies when we never see you! Check out our blog and we can keep in contact!! We are leaving Rexburg (FINALLY!!) in December, not sure where we are headed, should be interesting!

beth said...

Too cute! Dakota likes to dance in my arms but it may be awhile before she is up and at it.

Elmer Family said...

I love it when they start dancing! So cute!!! I love all your comments on my blog too. Not at all pregnant-lol need to get insurance first. If all goes well I think we will start trying next spring/summer. About the pictures for her birthday post-it was hard to pic! First I thought about doing one from each month-but then I just picked some of my favorites. There are so many and even now I look at it and say "I should have done this one or that one"-lol!