Thursday, October 25, 2007

I was "Tagged"

Well My dear, dear sister Holly "Tagged" me about a week and a half ago. I was caught at a busy time and am finally making the time to answer the questions involved. She said she knew I would do it...she is right. But first I am going to tag others. I love reading what everyone else answers for these silly questions. So lets see who has not been tagged yet??

1. Eliza Elmer-- I know you will be excited to do this :)

2. Lara Seaver-- Come on you know you want to do it.

3. Beth Robinson- Please, please, please :P


What is his name? Scott

How long have you been together? Married nearly 3 years (November 13th)

How long did you date? Technically only 4 months, but we saw a lot of each other in that short time. We first met 8 years earlier, and knew each others families, which made things nice :). Scott says that his mouth dropped open when he saw me walk up the stairs in New Hampshire right off my mission.

Who eats more? Food--him, but I am not too far behind. Dessert--that would be me. Although, if I ask him if he wants dessert and he says no, there is a 50% chance that I too will go with out dessert.

Who said I love you first? Depends on who you ask, and what you think "saying I love you first" truly means. You decide, here are the details: He played me a song that expressed how much he loved me (the words didn't technically come from his mouth) . Song ends and I say "Scott, I am falling in love with you" (just a side note... remember I am just off my mission and the word falling is huge in this statement). Then he later states, "I love you". So who do you think it was? The song=Scott, Me with "falling", or Scott with the exact words :)

Who is taller? Scott

Who sings better? Scott does. I don't like my voice.

Who is smarter? Scott!!

Whose temper is worse? I don't know. What is temper really?? Why are you asking me so many questions?!

Who does the laundry? Me. It isn't expected of me though and I am thanked for doing it.

Who does the dishes? Usually me...although Scott helps with this on the weekends and such. He is very good to help around the house. He took care of all of these things while I was finishing up college.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed...Scott. Laying in the It is always so confusing to answer questions like that.

Who pays the bills? Scott. He likes to do it together, but I am usually just sitting next to him while he pays them.

Who mows the lawn? Well, we don't have a lawn...but if we did it would probably be Scott.

Who cooks dinner? Usually me...but Scott does cook too.

Who drives when you are together? Scott does 90% of the time.

Who is more stubborn? We are both rather stubborn....trick question!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am.

Whose parents do you see the most? I would say mine since they only live 2 1/2 hours away...but we have seen Scott's parents quite a bit too.

Who kissed who first? Scott kissed me :) (when I was reading him all my responses he said...if we waited for you to kiss me, we would have waited forever)

Who asked who out? That would be Scott. He called me to see how the transition off the mission was going. I had no clue where Lancaster was until we had hung out as FRIENDS for a couple of weeks. I was shocked to find out that he was driving 3 hours to come "hang out".

Who proposed? Scott. I didn't know he already had the ring (even though we shopped for it together) I was not expecting it to happen that night. I was swept off my feet.

Who is more sensitive? I would say me.

Who has more friends? We pretty much have the same friends since marriage. I like to keep contact with everyone from the past as well though.

Who wears the pants in the family? Scott does although I am not afraid to voice my opinion :P


Holly said...

YEA!!! Thanks for being a good sport. You know...I was "tagged" nice to me or I'll tag you again:0) The whole "I love you thing"...That's kind of tricky! Were you in "love" when you said it??? It's definitely a toss up. You never mentioned how you "hung out" at the temple all those months. Hmmmmm I think it was in the stars:P Love ya!

Lara said...

Thanks for tagging me, it is kind of fun to read everyone's answers. It was kind of fun to answer them too, it made me think about things that I don't always think about or remember.